Saturday, October 18, 2008

Almost 16 Weeks!

Here are some pics of me at almost 16 weeks! I'm getting bigger which is neat. I'm so thankful to God for giving us such a treasure! He is sooooooo good!

P.S. I took these pics by myself and they are kind of from a weird angle, so try to ignore that if you can help it! :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hear the Baby's Heartbeat

We just got a cheap doppler in the mail today. We can now listen to our baby's heartbeat whenever we want! SOOOO Cool!

The first heartbeat that plays is mine, then you can hear the baby's heartbeat come in at a much faster rate. There are a couple of kicks recorded too. You can tell the baby is moving around because the sound of the heartbeat fades away and then comes in much stronger at the end.

Look on the menu bar on the right and click the > to play!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

14 Week Check-up

We had our 14 week check-up today with the doctor. We heard the baby's heartbeat and it was beating at 154 bpm. The normal range is 120-160. We won't see the baby again until our next routine ultrasound at 18 weeks. At that time we should find out if we're having a boy or girl!