Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Everett 8 months old
Well, our little guy is 8 months old and is now an army crawler. He drags his little body where he wants to go and enjoys playing with his toys, pushing them and pulling them to himself. We went to the doctor yesterday for more shots and a well baby check up. Thankfully he has not been sick during his life really! He weighed 17 lbs. 3 oz. and was 28 1/4 inches long. These days he is able to communicate very effectively with body language and the occasional aggravated mini-fit! :) He keeps us laughing and amazed at how a little baby grows so fast. Will post some pics soon!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Seven Months Old
Everett is now 7 1/2 months old. He is a sweet and happy baby! He has perfected nap time. When he gets fussy that's his way of saying "put me in my bed". I put him in bed and he goes to sleep without a peep! :) It is a beautiful thing! At 7 months old, Everett has become a busy baby. He wants to touch and grab whatever he can get his hands on that is not a toy! He would love to suck on a telephone or remote control if I would let him, but yucky, no way. He is now able to roll over multiple times in a row, sit up independently, and sleep on his belly when he wants to. He has no teeth and is totally uninterested in crawling. When we put him on all fours, he has the crawling pose down, but dissolves into tears! He does not want to crawl. He does love to stand though. If I didn't know better I'd think he was considering skipping the crawling stage, but sorry little buddy, you must crawl! It's important! Everett is eating a variety of fruits and veggies: green beans & peas, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, apples, and peaches. So far he has eaten everything and liked it. He loves to eat!!! :) We are enjoying him soooo much! These days he is full of life and personality. He can totally communicate through body language what he wants and where he wants to go, and what he doesn't want! It's both cute and funny! We are sooo thankful for this little gift from God! My only wish is that someone would switch life off of fast forward mode so it wouldn't go by sooo very fast! Here are some pics of our sweet baby boy:
first time he rolled more than once and finally got to taste the bugger sucker, he's been trying for a long time. GROSS! :)
Friday, October 2, 2009
6+ Months
Well, our little guy is getting soooo big! He has a new awareness of the things going on around him. He's grabbing for anything and everything he sees. He is able to "drive" his walker and gets around great in it. He's learned to reverse and do circles and can even escape the kitchen! He loves to jump in his horsey bouncer. He's working on sitting up, he can do it with a spotter behind him. Everett is still not very ambitious. I'm thinking he might have a laid back personality. He still doesn't roll over much and hasn't even attempted to crawl! But he is a happy little guy who loves to talk, laugh, and smile and we couldn't ask for more than that! :) He has started eating a mixture of cereal and either squash or sweet potatoes once a day. I've tried a few other foods, but he has not tolerated them well, tummy wise. Taste bud wise he has been willing to eat most things (with a few silly faces and maybe a gag or two here and there!)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
5 months

Just a little update on Everett. He is getting soooo big! He's a real sweetheart! He's enjoying tummy time more now. He's rolled over once from tummy to back, but doesn't try it much in general. He's loving his toes and I think he is teething. His little tongue sticks out over his gums a lot and he's chewing anything and everything. He has started reaching out for things and is so much more aware of his surroundings. He's trying to army scoot a little to get toys that are out of reach. I think he's about to outgrow his swings in favor of a walker. He's starting to arch his back when he's ready to be finished in the swing, that makes me a tad nervous. Ok, that's all I can think of at the moment!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
more 4 months
Everett has found his toes and is trying to get them into his mouth. It takes a lot of effort, but he really wants to eat his toes! :) He's also jabbering more and loves to talk when other people are talking (especially in church). He still has not rolled over, but he's getting closer all the time! Lately he's been going around the house as "Super Shuggie" as I call him. I'll have to post a pic of that at some point because it is SOOOO cute! :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
More 4 months
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