Thursday, March 26, 2009
Everett is Two Weeks Old!
We just got back from E's 2 week doctor visit. Looks like everything is fine. He weighed 5 lbs 9 oz. and was 19+ inches long! He's healthy and doing great! :) Pics to follow soon! :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Everett James has arrived!

We went for my 36 week appointment and the doc was trying to figure out if he was breech or not. I was already dialated 4 cm. He decided to do an ultrasound and discovered that he was breech and I had almost no amniotic fluid. He wouldn't even let us go home to pack a bag, we had to go admit into the hospital right away. So I went from my appointment at 2:30 to the hospital at 3:30, got in the operating room at 4:30 and Everett was delivered at 5:03 pm. I was completely terrified, but in the end the result was a beautiful, healthy baby. We are so thankful that this problem was caught. We had been praying that he'd turn right and not be breech, but it ended up saving his life! Thank the Lord.
Monday, March 2, 2009
34 weeks
This week Daddy was busy building a much needed closet shelving system in baby boy's closet! It came out really nice and helped me get his clothes and other items sorted and neatly organized. The whole top shelf is full of diapers which we are so thankful to have! Rumor has it that we'll go through them very quickly!

My Grandma helped me recover the cushions on the glide rocker and Ricky hung the blinds in the room, so it seems like the nursery is pretty much complete!
I went back to the doctor on February 26th. Baby boy's heartrate was 133 bpm which was good. I measured fine and everything seems to be moving along on track so far! I've had swollen ankles lately which is something new! I've been wearing crocks at work because my other shoes are way too tight! I have the feeling that he finally moved head down because it seems like I'm starting to feel feet in my ribs. I could be wrong though, I'm no expert at interpreting baby movement!! I go back to the doc again on March 10th.
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