Sunday, August 23, 2009

5 months

little sunshine
kitties are icky, babies are icky
teething tongue
SUPER SHUGGIE! the super hero who spreads smiles all over our house!

Just a little update on Everett. He is getting soooo big! He's a real sweetheart! He's enjoying tummy time more now. He's rolled over once from tummy to back, but doesn't try it much in general. He's loving his toes and I think he is teething. His little tongue sticks out over his gums a lot and he's chewing anything and everything. He has started reaching out for things and is so much more aware of his surroundings. He's trying to army scoot a little to get toys that are out of reach. I think he's about to outgrow his swings in favor of a walker. He's starting to arch his back when he's ready to be finished in the swing, that makes me a tad nervous. Ok, that's all I can think of at the moment!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

5 months old today!

more 4 months

Everett has found his toes and is trying to get them into his mouth. It takes a lot of effort, but he really wants to eat his toes! :) He's also jabbering more and loves to talk when other people are talking (especially in church). He still has not rolled over, but he's getting closer all the time! Lately he's been going around the house as "Super Shuggie" as I call him. I'll have to post a pic of that at some point because it is SOOOO cute! :)

happy morning

I found my toes
peek-a-boo, Everett posed for this one all by himself!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

4 Month Pics

More 4 months

Well, Everett is still 4 months old, but not for much longer. He is still such a sweetheart! He is trying to roll over, but has not done it yet without help. He has just started grabbing his toes, but I don't think he realizes they are his! :) Here are some recent pictures:riding his horse
E and Daddy
E and Mommy
our little family
from mommy & daddy's photo studio :)