Monday, August 25, 2008

First OB Visit - 8 weeks old

Today I had my first OB visit here in town. I was nervous for most of the day just hoping that everything was alright. I don't get like that often, but the combination of getting another report and starting with a new doctor was a lot to take in one day. Ricky wasn't able to come because he has some projects at work that must be done by tomorrow. We were both bummed that he couldn't come!!! He is much better about asking questions. I totally clam up, smile, and nod my head. I hate when I do that! I did manage to ask for an extra ultrasound picture so Ricky can have one too!

The doctor said that the baby is growing just fine. It looks totally different than it did last time! Bigger and much more defined. I got to see its little heart beating again! What an awesome and wonderful sight!

The good news is we get to go back again in 2 weeks for another check up! This doctor is making sure everything keeps going good and I'm sooooo glad! :) Hopefully Daddy will be able to go and ask a ton of questions!

Our next appointment is September 9th, so look for another update around that time! :)


Kimberly said...

Woo hoo! I guess that means you like Dr. D. and he is going to take care of you? I know you won't be disappointed.

We're so excited for you guys!

Kimberly for all of us

Unknown said...

We loved seeing the ultrasound and reading the babyblog. It makes us feel like we are right there in Lake Charles instead of 900 miles away. But we think of you both daily and are so excited for both of you. Each passing day brings you one day closer to the "greatest miracle of all."

Robin and David