Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Two Months Old

After two whole months of sleep deprivation, it is definitely showing up and evidenced by my cognitive deficits! I already couldn't add or subtract, but now I can't tell time or read the calendar either! :) Everett actually turned two months old on the 12th, not on Thursday when he was 8 weeks old. Anyway...we went to the doctor for his 2 month check up yesterday and here is how he's growing: weight: 9 lbs. 13.4 oz, height: 22 1/2 inches. I knew that car seat was getting harder to lug around! He also had to get his first round of shots. It was heartbreaking, but he took it very well and was soo sweet in general at the doc's office. Here are some recent pics of Everett:
going to the doctor
happy boy!
my first shots :( bobo legs

now I follow my toys

First Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was wonderful. It was so awesome to get to participate as a mom this year and not just as a child. I'm soooo thankful for my little E! Hopefully one day I won't look quite so motherly! I need to put down the sweets and go for a jog! Take a look at the smile on my little guy's face! How precious!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Everett is seven weeks old...but not for long!

Everett is seven weeks old, but on Thursday he'll be TWO MONTHS OLD! WOW! Time is flying by. E is growing so much. He is on his way out of newborn clothes and is now wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes. Soon he'll be in 1's instead of newborn diapers. He is now sleeping about 5 hours at night before needing a feeding, so maybe some day mom will be caught up on her beauty rest. For now, I'm doing my best to hide the dark circles under my eyes! Everett's favorite time of day is early morning bath time! We both enjoy this 30-40 minutes of getting all of the yucky stuff off so that the day can begin. Then after bath time, nap time of course! He is trying to figure out how to coo and smile. Here are a few pics: