Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Doctor Visit - 26 Weeks

I had a doctor's appointment today! The baby's heartbeat was 128 bpm. I measured 27 weeks, but the doctor said that's pretty normal. I actually asked a few questions which was nice for a change! In two weeks I'll go back and have a diabetes test. YUCK! :) Then, I think 2 weeks after that we'll have another ultrasound. I'll be 30 weeks by then.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

This is a picture of us on Christmas day. I just thought I'd stick it on here real quick. We had a great Christmas this year. We also enjoyed thinking of how very different our next Christmas will be! We should have an 8 or 9 month old by then!!! It will definitely be interesting!
We are still working on our baby name dilemma! Now I know why people name their kids some of the names they pick, DESPERATION! Coming up with a name has truly been a challenge. Last night we went to Books-A-Million and bought 2 more baby name books. We'll see how it goes when we start looking in them. So far we've ruled out some of the names in the 64,000 Ultimate Baby Names book, some examples include: Cack, Cactus, Candle, Citronella, etc... Yes, those were actually listed in the boy section. Hopefully the medicine they give me during labor/delivery will not make me loopey enough to name my baby boy Citronella!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Nursery Pics

Well, it is Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas everyone! Ricky got me a new digital camera, so I just tried it out by taking some nursery pics and one of me from a different angle.
This is the wall on the right when you walk into the nursery. Our theme is jungle and the colors are mostly green and yellow.

This is the wall that is straight ahead when you walk into the nursery. Ricky painted an "accent wall" in dark green. We didn't want to repaint the whole room because that would require scaffolding - no thank you!!!!

And here's me at 25 weeks and 2 days pregnant! My baby bump seems to grow everyday, so I can't imagine what I might look like 3 months from now! As long as he's healthy though, nothing else matters! I'll just have to take him for daily strolls to work off the "baby weight" when it's all over with!

Monday, December 22, 2008

25 weeks today!

Hi all! Well, today is our 25th week! The baby is growing and starting to kick a little harder. I'm enjoying every minute! We celebrated Christmas with my family this weekend and I ate like a pig. The only problem with that is that when I eat a lot I get very uncomfortable, probably because there's not much tummy room in here these days! It was worth it though because the food was sooo good! :) Here is a pic from yesterday, I look pretty worn out. Ricky took this right before my Sunday afternoon nap! :) I'm going back to the doctor on December 30th for my 26 week visit. I'll let you know what happens with that!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

23 Weeks!

This is me at 23 weeks having a bad hair day! :) It was humid all day and now it's raining. I just had to show off my growing baby bump!

Baby boy is moving lots these days which keeps me very entertained. It's wonderful to have reminders all day long that he's in there getting bigger and ripening up so he can be born.

I went to the doctor on December 2 and got a good report. I didn't have Daddy with me, so I of course didn't ask too many questions. :( I hate when I do that! He's just better about asking. So, the doc measured my belly for the first time and said "it measures great", but do I know what that really means? No, and did I ask? No. Next time I'll ask because I really want to know.

I'll go back to the doctor on December 30th for my 26 week appointment.

I'm still planning to take pics of the nursery, but I want to get the wall decor hung up first. It's taking a while. Maybe over Christmas break!