Friday, April 24, 2009

6 Weeks old!

Everett is now six weeks old. He is growing so quickly! He graduated from preemie to newborn size clothes a week or two ago and now he's working his way out of newborn size! Right now he weighs 8 lbs 7 oz. and is 21 inches long! We are going through diapers and wipes like crazy around here, so we are very thankful for all of the diapers that we got from our diaper/wipe shower! Little boys seem to have a magical way of peeing just before you get the new diaper all the way on! Today Everett managed to make his first leaky poo diaper and tee teed on mommy after his bath. So, with that said, you can imagine the fun and laughter happening at our house these days! E is now going about 3 or so hours between feedings which is nice. More pics soon!

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