Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Almost 3 months old!

Wow, where does the time go? My teeny tiny baby is going to be 12 weeks old tomorrow! He is growing out of his 0-3 clothes that used to swallow his whole body! He is now smiling constantly and laughing every now and then. He can roll from side to side, though he prefers his left side as evidenced by the flat side of his head! Right now I'm typing and he is sitting next to me in his rocker hiccuping, kicking his feet, and waving his hands like crazy. I'm still waiting for him to really notice his hands. He has figured out how to put them in his mouth, but he hasn't really started staring at them yet. We are working on sleeping through the night. So far he goes a long stretch about 5 hours and then maybe sleeps another 3 1/2 to 4. I'm still very tired, but that is slowly getting better too, maybe. I'm not sure how much E weighs now, but it is over 10 lbs. He has new rolls of chunky stuff every day! Here are some recent pics:
Baby dedication outfit

little man dressed for Sunday night church

playing with Daddy

talking to mommy
love my new rocker!

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