Saturday, September 19, 2015

Alphabets and Coconuts - Chicka Boom Boom Week

Our 6th week of school was a lot of fun, though there were several difficult moments mixed in.


We started the week with our first ever homeschool co-op day. The kids really had a great time. The girls went to Bible, Count with Me, Science, Art, and Gym. My big first grader went to Story time, Bible, Art, Gym, and Hands-on Math with Literature. Mama had a good time too, but I think of all of us, I was the most worn out afterward! 

Co-op Aftermath

Tuesday felt like a harsh back to life, back to reality moment! IT. WAS. PAINFUL. After a fun weekend and then co-op, my first grader really had a hard time settling back into our school routine (even in spite of the several fun activities we did). My girlie who is a thumb sucker woke up with a fever that morning too, so she was not 100% (but she insisted on participating in school anyway, that made it "special"). **NOTE: "Special" is my positive spin buzz word for DIFFICULT! ;)

Theme of the Week - Alphabets and Coconuts - Chicka Boom Boom

Tuesday we started Chicka Boom Boom week in our homeschool! I love, love, love Chicka Boom Boom! It's a book we have read over and over. We read it again this week along with several other alphabet themed books. Here are a few!




We are still talking about obedience!! We revisited what obedience is, what it sounds like/doesn't sound like, and where it comes from (the heart). I used information from the Crossroads of Character book as well as from our We Choose Virtues Obedience card.

During Bible time the girls learned about David and Goliath. Everett learned about how God is everywhere.

Circle Time

During circle time this week, in addition to reading one or two of the fun books mentioned above, we used our magnetic board (a.k.a. large drip pan from Wal-mart automotive department) and our magnetic upper/lowercase letters to act out the Chicka Boom Boom story while we read it.  I made a coconut palm tree out of construction paper and laminated it. The kids took turns adding letters to the tree and enjoyed matching all of the lowercase letters to their uppercase matches after the Chicka Chicka BOOM BOOM happened!

Another activity we used was this "Where's That Crazy Coconut" Number Recognition Game.
Where's That Crazy Coconut?

My preschoolers need lots of work on identifying/naming the numbers above 10. My first grader got good practice too (he does know how to read numbers). This was a chance for him to model how to use this skill for them. Great turn taking! They enjoyed!


For our this week, the kids made a shape palm tree and added the letters of their name to the tree Chicka Boom Boom style. They enjoyed doing this activity. We also counted the letters in their names. My preschoolers are still learning 1 to 1 correspondence, so any time we can practice this skill is great for them!


Snack Time

I made palm trees out of graham cracker/Nutella sandwiches, sliced Granny Smith apples, and used chocolate chips or grapes as coconuts.


For science on Friday, we had an awesome hands-on lesson. While they ate their snack, I read to them about the uses of coconuts, how the palm trees grow, etc. After we finished our school work, we came back to the kitchen to "open up the coconut". We used our senses to see, hear, feel, touch, and finally taste a coconut. The kids really liked getting to handle and take turns trying to crack open the coconut. The last thing we did was go outside on the driveway and measure 98 ft, the length of a coconut palm tree.

**NOTE: We love Roger Day and his music. During this week, we sang his "Open up the Coconut" song OFTEN! If you haven't heard it, find it on iTunes and listen. That song is so funny!

Highlights of our 6th Homeschool Week in the Life

Watch our recap video here!

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